I hate not having my own woodshop


Remember how I mentioned I've been building and redesigning the same joystick for a year now?

That's because I keep screwing the damn thing up. I keep gluing pieces together out of square and such. I did AGAIN last night at the "class" I'm attending, despite my best efforts to achieve a square right angle on a flat surface. Checked the dry joined pieces today on a table, felt the noticeable wobble, and ripped the pieces apart in exasperation.

Maybe I'll just go buy a single block of wood and whittle it down.

Tales of the Tarmac Boy

From the General forum on RHP, in a thread called "Easter":
Originally posted by huckleberryhound:
After 10 beers, i am sitting in front of the Chocolate easter bunny i was given last week.

The question is this....where do i start eating ?

Do i start chomping on it's little ears ?Do i bite it's ass? or do i bite it's face off ?

You do realise i've probably munchied my way through this bad boy by the time you replied...right ?

blakbuzzrd's reply:
Man. I'm jealous -- somebody already bit the head off of the chocolate Christ I got.

What really gets me is how this kind of thing is always hollow, instead of solid chocolate. I got a chocolate tomb last Easter, and of course it was all empty inside too.
That was pretty much the end of that thread.

No, I haven't


...posted in a long time. I'm working on redesigning a few people's blog templates, and am very busy and important.

I started a woodworking class. It's not so much a class, in that there's no curriculum, so much as weekly scheduled access to a wood shop. Which is just fine. I'm working on the same freaking joystick I've been building and redesigning for the better part of a year, now, and should finish before too long. In fact, I should have some time left afterwards, and am considering building the bookstand you'll see here.

Hambone's still trying to decide whether or not she likes it, but we have to have something on which to rest that lately acquired holy grail of lexicography, the Compact Oxford English Dictionary. Notice the word "Compact." What that means is that the whole 20-volume collection is reproduced in a single binding "micrographically": that is, in one unwieldy tome weighing in at sixteen stone and boasting print roughly the same height as your average paramecium. Fortunately, it comes with a fat magnifying glass, though.

Anyhoo, the book is big, and really requires a dedicated form of display. I briefly considered a few options:In the end, though, I think maybe we're better off with the boring ol' Arts and Crafts style bookstand.

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