Dungeons & Dragons & Dropped Calls


Well, that was a bust, albeit a fun one. The first play session of the JPAG D&D campaign was plagued by internet issues -- Skype dropped the call constantly (probably because we had six people on at once), and we couldn't get our initial choice of game mapping software up and running appropriately.

There was, of course, plenty of smartassery, however. It was fun despite the stupid problems with technology, and Marie did a great job setting us up to have a practice combat encounter. We just never got to finish it because of tech issues. But I did get to use my kewl dice!

So for next time we are using Ventrilo, which is a favorite among online RPG players of all stripes, I understand. Now to find a better whiteboard/map application.

It would be nice, however, if some people in the party bothered to learn how to play the damn game, rather than show up with no clue of how their character functions. Yeah, I'm talking about you, JPAG Show co-host! Time to fish or cut bait, pal.

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